Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Coffee and Cigarettes"-ORIGINAL- $OLD!!!

My first painting sold! It was a sad but happy occasion for me today. Sad because I had to part ways with a painting of mine but happy that I sold my first painting!! Enjoy it Mr.Coutts! Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Newest Painting-"Mouseketeer" Acrylic on Canvas

With my baby boy Marcus on my left arm and my paint brush on my right, I managed to finish this piece last night. The size of this is only 10" X 10". It was kinda fun working on such a small scale. I'm probably going to work on a series of these. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Knocking Over Garbagecans!"

I came up with this sketch for a friend of mine, Versusio from KOG. From his definition of his crew "Knocking Over Garbagecans" This might be coming to a wall somewhere near you soon!! HAHAHHAA!