Thursday, May 28, 2009

AUGOR's IRONLAK Contest- The Letter "R"

As was seen in a few posts on the Augor spraycan from Ironlak finally dropped and is selling out quick. For those who can't afford it a contest has been set up to pay for it with your talent. Send in a colored drawing of the letter "R" as creative and interesting as your can to The 4 best winners will recieve a FREE Augor spraycan signed, and their work featured on
This is my stab at it; I used acrylic on Iranian newspaper.
The title for my piece is "Thumb Wrestling Champ"

Monday, May 25, 2009

Painted in Iran: "Contemplate" Acrylic on Canvas

I was just killing some time in Iran on my vacation. I painted this for my wife's cousin "Babak" aka "Bobby". I took this photo of him while he was sitting in the living room watching t.v.
I surprised him with the painting when we showed up at his new apartment for his little family party. He loved it!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My search for spray paint in IRAN!

After searching around town in Tehran, I finally found some paint!
They're not Montana's or Krylon's but they'll do the trick!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

One for the road...

I just had the urge to do a little quickie before taking off to my vacation!! I'll try to post up some stuff while im in Iran! PEACE OUT!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Flight School"- Work in progress...A painting for my son Marcus

I've been working on a few paintings for my son Marcus. Here's one I just started yesterday...

Fresh off the press! Jasper Santos & KGB Studio - "WINDED HEARTS" Limited Edition

Just came back from numbering and signing the limited of 100 "WINDED HEARTS" pieces.
KGB Studio really did a great job on these! Thanks to the KGB Studio Crew!

Monday, May 4, 2009



I had a productive weekend, rocked a couple of characters at my friend's restaurant. His restaurant is called "URBAN KABOB" a fastfood kabob restaurant located on 142 S. La Brea Ave, Los Angeles. Everything on the menu is under $10 and you get alot for your $$$!
URBAN KABOB will be opening MAY 15, 2009!!
I'll keep you guys updated! And post more pics!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Coffee and Cigarettes"-ORIGINAL- $OLD!!!

My first painting sold! It was a sad but happy occasion for me today. Sad because I had to part ways with a painting of mine but happy that I sold my first painting!! Enjoy it Mr.Coutts! Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Newest Painting-"Mouseketeer" Acrylic on Canvas

With my baby boy Marcus on my left arm and my paint brush on my right, I managed to finish this piece last night. The size of this is only 10" X 10". It was kinda fun working on such a small scale. I'm probably going to work on a series of these. Hope you guys like it! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Knocking Over Garbagecans!"

I came up with this sketch for a friend of mine, Versusio from KOG. From his definition of his crew "Knocking Over Garbagecans" This might be coming to a wall somewhere near you soon!! HAHAHHAA!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I've been asked to do a huge mural in Cal Burke High School in Van Nuys,CA. I will be working with a few students to help me out and also so I can show them the process in painting in such a large scale. I'm currently sketching out ideas and concepts in what I'll be putting on the wall.
I can't wait to start on this project!! i'll keep you guys posted!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sketchin' on the streets.

Just walking around the streets and getting an urge to sketch on something...

I wanted to make the unwanted vaccuum feel like it had a purpose.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sketchin on cardboard...

I didn't really know what I was going to sketch, I was going to leave it there but I ended up liking it and now the foam cup box has a big hole on the side. Hahahahah! This will most likely end up being one of my next projects to paint on canvas.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Featured on the ARTLANOW.COM Website!!

Good news after good news! I just recently had my first baby boy! And then, I get a call from these guys ARTLANOW.COM asking me if I wanted to be featured in their website! Check it out!
Contact them @ and get your art out there!! Just ask for David and tell him I told you about it! PEACE!

Monday, January 12, 2009


I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU!! to Jane and Hayden @ the XLARGE store in
Los Angeles for letting me post some pieces up.
I just recently took them down but, here are some photos I took before taking them down.
Check out their clothing @

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Childhood Toy

I had this toy when I was a kid and my little brother and I took it apart and couldn't put it back together again. Hahahah! We were curious in how the robot's chest would light up and play a little movie. I had this sketch for a while now but I wanted to see if I can mess with it on Photoshop.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Just sketchin...

Just a couple of quick sketches...

Friday, January 2, 2009


I just got a few my pieces installed in the Historic Braley Building in Pasadena.
Heres the link to the place:
It's right in front of the Dick Blick Art store. Cant miss it!!!So if you are in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by and check it out!!!


My first sketch for 2009! I hope this year will be better than the last.

More painting, sketching and more shows! In Febuary, my first baby will be born! So I'm already starting the new year off right. Can't wait to meet him!